zice Verb, zice

  1. (transitive) to say, tell
    Ai înțeles ce am zis?
    Did you understand what I said?
    Se zice că vine războiul.
    They say war is coming.
  2. (intransitive, also, impersonal, rather, informal) to call by a name [+ dative]
    Pisicii i-am zis Arpagic.
    I called the cat Arpagic.
    Cum îi zice la asta?
    What is this called?
  3. (transitive, childish) to tell on someone
  4. (regional) to sing [+ din (object), instrument (object)]

Appox. usage (any sense): 1580 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 1580 per million words

turna Verb, turna

  1. to pour
    Synonyms: vărsa
  2. to shape, fashion, mould
  3. to cast (metal)
  4. (impersonal, familiar) to pour, rain heavily, rain cats and dogs
    Synonyms: ploua (cu găleată)
  5. (informal) to hand over (to authorities), denounce, tell on, tattle
  6. (obsolete) to return, come back
    Synonyms: întoarce

Appox. usage (any sense): 26.2 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 26.2 per million words